
Five exploration permits

ROBEX currently holds five exploration permits, all located in Mali, in West Africa. Mali is currently Africa’s third most important gold-producing country. Three of Robex’s permits are situated in southern Mali (Mininko, Kamasso and Gladié), while the two others are located in the western area of the country (Sanoula and Diangounte). ROBEX is actively working towards developing its permits, all of which indicate favorable geology for the discovery of gold deposits.

ExplorationSouth Mali
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ExplorationWest Mali
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ExplorationSouth Mali
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ExplorationWest Mali
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ExplorationSouth Mali

    The project includes the Mininko exploration permits covering 62 km2. Robex owns 100% of the permit and a 1% NSR is liable. It is on this property that the Nampala mine is located. It is located around 57 km to the southwest of the town of Sikasso and 21 km south of Niéna village, which is accessible via the trail from the Nampala mine. Geologically, it is located in the South Mali window, in the inferior Proterozoic age Birrimian bedrock, where the Syama, Morilla, and Nampala gold deposits were found. The project includes the operation permit of the Nampala deposit, and is located 35 km north-northeast of the Syama deposit and 92 km southwest of the Morilla deposit.

    The region of the permit has been explored in detail since 1980, and soil geochemistry, geology, geophysics, and surveys revealed potential areas for exploration. The work has defined several gold targets, one of which became the Nampala deposit. Geochemical and geophysical studies have been planned on this property to determine drilling sites conducive to discoveries that may lead to future exploitation.


    The project includes the Kamasso exploration permits covering 100 km². Robex owns 100% of the permit and a 1% NSR is liable. It is located about 74 km southwest of Sikasso and 35 km south of Niéna village, which is accessible via the Nampala mine trail. In the prospecting Sikoro area, the geochemical anomaly is combined with an induced polarization anomaly. This gold anomaly is located on the southern extension of the stratigraphic and structural sequence where the Nampala deposit is. In 2009, 700 meters of drilling were completed and show a rooting under the surface of the soil anomaly.

    The Kamasso permit offers very interesting prospects. It is located on the southern extension of the stratigraphic and structural sequence in which the Nampala deposit (Mininko) is located. It is located a few kilometers from Nampala. Exploration work previously carried out had helped to identify several geochemical anomalies in soils including the Sikoro, as well as those of Kadjila and Sirakoroni confirmed by wells and short-destructive surveys. The completion of a geological map using aerial and satellite images and an airborne geophysical survey of the Sysmine project in the territory of the Kamasso permit had also showed the continuation of large structures of the Nampala anomaly (Mininko permit) defined by faulting and fracture networks. Geochemical and geophysical studies have been planned on this property to determine drilling sites conducive to discoveries that may lead to future exploitation.


    The project includes the Gladié exploration permits covering 52 km². The geomorphological study revealed that the perimeter of the Gladié permit corresponds to a vast plain strewn with low, isolated mounds and wide, lateritic plateaus with gentle slopes on the whole. The compilation work made it possible to detect 16 soil anomalies that coincide perfectly with arsenic anomalies, although all of these anomalies are affected by an area with shearing in the northeast-southwesterly direction. The AC drilling sites led to results close to Nampala, with mineralized intervals between 0.2 g/t and 1.2 g/t.

    The Gladié permit is very strategic as it covers the same kind of deposit as Nampala and is contiguous with the Mininko and Kamasso permits. The ore extracted from this permit could be processed in the same plant. It complements the existing permits to provide the ideal coverage of the existing deposit in relation to the work carried out by the previous owners. The Company intends to assess the exploration work at an opportune time in order to confirm currently available historical data.  The scheduling of production and the nature and extent of this development work will have to be further evaluated by the Company during future exploration programs as a function of budgets and the work to be carried out at the Company’s various properties.

ExplorationWest Mali

    The project includes the Sanoula exploration permit covering 31.5 km2. Robex owns 100% of the permit and a 1% NSR is liable.  It is located around 58 km north-northwest of the town of Kenieba and 120 km south of the city of Kaye, which is accessible by trails. Geologically, it is located in the northern part of the Kédougou Kéniéba window, in the inferior Proterozoic age Birrimian bedrock, which can be found in the central and northern part of the gold deposits of Sadiola, Loulo and Tabakoto. The project is located on the Senegalese-Malian Accident (ASM), which marks the boundary between the Kofi Formation to the east and the Kéniébandi Formation to the west, and is located between the Sadiola, 56 km north-northwest, and Loulo, 26 km south-southeast, deposits.

    The region of the permit has been explored in detail since 2000, and soil geochemistry, geophysics, geology, and surveys have found a linear gold mineralized area. The area was drilled in 2006 and 2007 following the discovery of a geochemical anomaly associated with a resistivity anomaly. A total of 966 meters was drilled; the mineralization intersection is contained in a highly distorted sedimentary tourmaline formation. Gold occurs mainly in strongly dipped pyritized quartz veins, in moderately silicified tourmaline-enclosed rock. This type of gold mineralization characterizes the Loulo deposit.


    The project includes the Diangounté licence, which covers 52.14 km2. Robex owns 100% of the permit.  It is located around 90km SSW of the city of Kaye and 30km SSW of the village of Sadiola, which is accessible by trails. Geologically, it is located in the northern part of the Kédougou Kéniéba window, in the inferior Proterozoic age Birrimian bedrock, which can be found in the central and northern part of the gold deposits of Sadiola, Loulo and Tabakoto. The project is located 30km SSW of the Sadiola deposit.

    The licensed area has been explored in detail since the 90s. The geochemistry soil work, geophysics, and well surveys revealed several gold targets. This project encompasses the regional gold geochemical anomaly, La Corne (Klöckner-1989). This regional anomaly is similar to those that led, among other things, to the discovery of the Sadiola deposit. Subsequently, detailed geochemical work helped define a circular anomaly covering 8 km2.